Introducing Adventure Guides

Introducing Adventure Guides- Our New Volunteer Initiative

This year we’re proud to announce the introduction of our new Adventure Guides program. Adventure Guides are the trained volunteers that make Beyond Boundaries’ programming so special. These volunteers give of their time and energy to accompany us on trips and ensure that our participants have an incredible adventure.

The Adventure Guides program is designed to make it easier for individuals to volunteer with Beyond Boundaries. From easier scheduling to informational emails and communications, we want to make sure that our volunteers feel comfortable and fully prepared on all of our trips.

Every Adventure Guide will complete a background check and our Disability Inclusion Training programs before joining on trips. After those initial pieces of training, they will be encouraged to complete other certifications like Wilderness First Responder, Swift Water Rescue, CPR/AED, and more. When possible, we’ll offer free or discounted training sessions for our volunteers through partnerships with community organizations.

To best facilitate our adventures, we are requesting that volunteers sign up to act as Adventure Guides for the duration of the selected program. For example, we may offer a 6-week fishing program with one of our partners that includes weekly trips. It is expected that you would be able to attend all six fishing trips. Of course, we understand that things happen and if you are unable to attend or can only attend some of the trips, please contact us as soon as possible. 

Adventure Guide cohorts help our participants, volunteers, and parents build lasting connections with one another. It’s especially valuable for participants to see the same Adventure Guides on every trip for the duration of a program. 

Cohorts will be selected based on volunteer interest and availability, skill level, and other factors. Remember, just because you haven’t guided a specific trip before doesn’t mean you’re not able to. Even if you’re a total newbie, you’re still welcome on a trip and will be paired with a seasoned Guide to make sure you’re also able to develop and learn new skills while helping our participants.

We also offer several stand-alone programs and trip opportunities. All Adventure Guides will receive info about these trips in our monthly emails.  

We’re extremely excited about this new program and believe it will help Beyond Boundaries rise to new heights. With more organized volunteer communications and programming we will be able to serve even more people and ensure a better experience for everyone involved. 

Want to learn more about joining the Adventure Guides? Visit our site or click this link to sign up for our upcoming emails.


Meet the Crew: Alek


Gear & Beer at Vasen Brewery